Image by Gokturk Ayan
Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. ~Dr Seuss
much do we overthink things? I am a tragic over-thinker by nature. I, well
actually my head, likes to dissect things and toss them around a bit and
consider all possible scenarios and outcomes. In some situations this is great,
I don’t get stuck on one idea and can inspire myself to see things in different
ways. In other situations, not so much.
when questions arise it is best to answer them off the cuff. Difficult
decisions are often based on so many ‘what-ifs’ that we can tend to overload
the decision down with unrealistic possibilities. I have started to respond to
questions and my own choice options with whatever first comes to mind. I
realise that not digging too deep but rather answering with what first comes up
is in fact my authentic self responding. When we start to dig and delve for the
‘right’ response the what-ifs come to fruition guided by our false self, our safe side reminding us we need to be responsible. Of course we do, our
false self will always remind us of that. But if we listen to our intuition, to our instincts, we tend to dig less for conscious reasoning.
decisions often have responsibilities attached, there are things we must
consider, however a lot of smaller decisions can rely purely on what we feel is
best. The authentic self will always tell you what you truly want to do, what
your heart wants. When we allow our false self to step in, we fill ourselves
with self-doubt and fear and we tend to make decisions based on what we feel we are expected
to do. I don’t want to live my life based on what is expected of me, I would
rather live my life how I want to live it. That won’t always please others or
live up to the image they have carved out of and for me, but that’s okay. I can
live with that.
am all for keeping things simple, it is the mantra that I aspire to live by and
I often need to remind myself that things do not need to be so complicated. I just need to stop complicating them.