Last weekend I sent off my second ever magazine article submission. It was scary, but good-scary. I didn’t exactly doubt myself but for a moment I did wonder if I was dreaming. Then I realised of course I am, but isn’t that what gives us butterflies in the pit of our stomach and keeps that burning flame going? If I submitted articles to magazines I didn’t admire, I wouldn’t exactly be going after my dream. Besides, I like to dream.
Two weeks ago I was very excited to receive an email advising my first ever magazine article submission will feature in the next edition (due out end of this month). I was ECSTATIC! I had been feeling unwell for about a week (I don’t do sniffly and unwell) and at a moment of feeling ‘ugh’ comes this email. I literally screamed out with joy and my son was staring at me clearly wondering ‘What on earth got into her?’ All feelings of unwell-ness dissipated for a few moments. The smile stayed for a week (it may still be lingering).
This was my first ever magazine article written and submitted. I seriously, hand on my heart, was not expecting it to be published. When I saw the email in my inbox I thought ‘Ok, here comes the thanks-but-no-thanks’, not because I doubted my article was readable and perhaps even likeable, but because I thought it'd be pretty tinny to get published at my first attempt. So aside from the fact I took the first step to putting my dreams into action without too high an expectation, I was very pleasantly surprised to discover I did it. I actually did it.
I love seeing people realise their dreams. And what I love most is seeing people wholeheartedly, with sheer determination chase those dreams. That so inspires me. People that chase their deepest dreams, despite the fear, self-doubt and boundaries. Just inspiring.
Admittedly I have nothing much to lose by submitting an article. I love to write, I enjoy the effort it takes, and I love to read and re-read something I have written, tweaking it and editing it, moving words around until I am completely happy with it. I sometimes edit blog posts 4, 5, 10 times. I love the entire process. So the preparation for writing an article is half the fun for me. If the biggest downside of submitting an article is being told ‘thanks, but no thanks’ then that’s okay by me. I don’t think I would even be too disappointed at this stage, I admit I am a newbie to the whole article submission thing. But I have been writing my entire life, so if my words don’t appeal to one person, they might the next. I don’t take offence to that.
So when you next think of something that burns your heart with sheer passion and fills your life with joy, and you can see yourself doing that very thing for the rest of your days, go for it. There are no real boundaries but you. Whether you can do it depends solely on YOU. Stop wondering and just go for it. I decided late last year I was going to write a magazine article a month, and now mid February I have written three articles (and have submitted two of them). If I had dreamt about doing it but never took those first steps I would have looked back come December to see nothing but a distant, relinquished dream wasted away over the year. But now having taken those first steps, even if not one article got submitted I would still at least look back and know I acted.
And that there is the start of one’s dreams. Action.