Sunday, 17 June 2012

Dreams of a wannabe work-at-home-mum

Image by Heidi Furre

I just realised the immensity of my very recent life changing decision. I’ve worked full time all my adult life so I don’t even know what it’s like to be at home midweek. Even on the odd occasion I have had the opportunity to traipse through the supermarket during the day midweek, I have smiled at how novel it all feels. The other day, after realising just how exciting this move from fulltime to very part-time is going to be, I started to comprehend the extent of my newfound freedom. 

No longer working full time means I will have no more stress about trying to find school holiday care. NO MORE PALMING MY CHILD OFF EVERY DAY ON SCHOOL HOLIDAYS. That means for 14 weeks per year I won’t have to arrange childcare. It amounts to approximately 70 days that I won’t have to wake my child up early to race him out the door, on his ‘holidays’, to go some place else. He can sleep in and spend days in his pjs. I just realised the immensity of the decision I have made.

My days won’t be ruled so much by ‘time’. Sure I will have to get my child to school on time but aside from that, I am going to start living by the seat of my pants, my pyjama pants. I dream of drinking my morning coffee for however the hell long I want. I intend on staying in my pjs until noon, although I won’t be looking at the clock so who really knows what time I’ll change out of them. I'll eat boiled eggs for breakfast. I’ll eat lunch when I am hungry, and not necessarily at ‘lunchtime’. I’ll simply set an alarm for school pick up time, everything in between will be done as and when I please. Less morning routine (thank you oh sweet Universe). School pick-ups. Catching up midweek with friends. More time to write. NANA NAPS! My dog might actually get walked. Dinner cooked before 6pm. Dinner cooked full stop. I can read books midweek (well I never!). Midweek tradesmen appointments. No Mondayitis (THIS, I will celebrate each and every Monday forevermore). Getting home before dark in winter. No more peak hour traffic. Trackies and ugg boots days. Makeup free days. Midweek housecleaning (I know I know, how exciting can cleaning be? – it won’t take up one of my two days off on weekends anymore is how).

I can’t explain just how excited I am. I have dreamt about being at home during the week for years. The last couple of years it has consumed my every day, I have been envious of SAHMs and have been consciously sending the universe a little message that I too, would love to spend more time at home. It just dawned on me the other day that I will soon be a WAHM. Not that I am a big fan of labels, but you know, WAHM is one I am happy to wear.

Now, where are my pjs.


  1. I hear ya, Peggy! This is exactly how I felt 3 months ago when I left the corporate world. Since then I have picked up a job I love that I do almost entirely from home. It has it's juggles (of course it does), but I've never been happier. I get to do all the day to day school mum stuff (or at least i usually do, just not right now!!!!) AND do a great job too. Pinching myself (and somewhat exhausted by it all, lol). It is a lot to be going on with, but I love it.

    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. I'm so thrilled for you. x

    1. Thank you Bron, I am VERY excited. I know I will have to be very disciplined especially as I am trying to establish some writing work, but so chuffed I can do more school stuff and be home more. SO VERY HAPPY! xo

  2. Beyond excited for you - and your family.
    Woo hoo!!
    Happy Monday - and SO many more to come!
    :-) xxxx

    1. Thank you Shar, Mondays are going to look SO GOOD! xo

  3. Anonymous7:20 am GMT+8

    Sounds so good Peggy!

    1. Thanks Reannon, rapt that it's slowly becoming reality. :)

  4. It's nice to hear you're happy! Did you look under your bed for your PJ's?
    Love yo xxoo

    1. Got my pjs laid out and ready for over-use! Love ya too xo


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