Wednesday 31 August 2011

Bubbles on the brain!

I am officially fried today. I was up at some ridiculous hour but had work to do, so missed out on my morning blog reading time. Strangely I feel out of touch today. So, I will share some bubbles. What else is a girl to do!?

Bubbles, that’s all I got today!

How was your day today? Have you got more than bubbles on the brain?

{Image source Pinterest}


  1. Oh I know that feeling Peggy... of being out of touch on certain days and strangely enough, I don't feel the day is complete without my blog reading time either. It's like an addiction :o)
    Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
    OH and I do love your bubble pics, nothing nicer than blowing bubbles in the sun xo

  2. It is a strange feeling Jules. I have been reading blogs for the first hour of my day every day for the past month or so, so this morning really threw me out of sync! Back into it tomorrow. :)

    Thank you for dropping in. xo

  3. Beautiful bubbles.
    It is definitely 'habit forming', this blogging caper.
    I'm avoiding 'addictive' due to negative connotations I don't wanna face!!

  4. Never let anyone or anything burst your bubbles, and remember, the sun will always shine tomorrow :)

  5. Habit forming, I like it Shar! I figured today could be my 1 non-blogging day of the week, but then maybe not. ;)

  6. The sun was shining today, its rays were shining straight through my hollow head! Very ditsy today. But still smiling. How could I not, I have bubbles! xo


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