Sunday 23 October 2011

life is art.

Art is in everyday things. I see art in napkins when I am setting the table. I see art in the garden as flowers bloom. I see art on Instagram in the creativity that exudes from images that people take. I see art when I am setting up photo props to take shots of dishes I have made. I see art in everyday things.

Ways to be artistic in everyday life:

Design a pretty garden, no matter how small.

Start knitting.

Write someone a letter. Draw little pictures on it or cover it with stickers.

Take photos of small moments.

Look for beauty in insignificant and less than obvious objects. Take photos of them.

Read. Draw inspiration from books that make you smile.

Meditate. Quiet moments can bring out creativity.

Make an inspiration board and cover it with your favourite images.

Make observations of your surroundings and look for innate details. Take photos of them.

Make fancy meals. Set the table with pretty cutlery and tableware.

Spread vases of freshly cut flowers around your abode.

Draw or paint. It doesn’t matter if you think you can or can’t, just do it.

Peruse craft or design magazines and put your mind to completing a DIY project. Start small.

Start a journal and fill it with inspiring thoughts. Stick images or draw pictures in it.

Being artistic does not necessarily mean being able to paint or draw, we can be artistic with the small details of our everyday life and the moments in it. In fact, I encourage you to do so.

 {image source: Pinterest}


  1. And here I was thining - and proclaiming - that I'm not artistic.
    Am too.

    I can't draw or mould or paint or create stunning jewellery. But I do like to make pretty and lovely (or visually striking) in everything I do.

    Thanks for the insight.
    Life is art.

  2. What a lovely way of looking at art. I'd like to think of art being in all the little things we do also. Fashion is art in my mind. Matching shoes with clothes and accessories, or even clashing them... it's all an expression of art and I like that notion :o) xo

  3. oh you have inspired me yet again Peggy. I just want to skip work today and dive into your list. xx

  4. You've given me a few ideas! Have done quite a few on the list already, but my vision board is looking a little naked...

  5. Yes Shar, you can pretty much make anything creative into art in your own way. I bet you are artistic in many ways and you don't even know it! :)

    @Julie, fashion is very much a form of artistic expression. Your writing is also your art. :)

    @Sonia, dive into it lovely lady! xo

    @Leanne, my inspiration board is non-existent at the moment. I do have a board in my study but it is made up of sentimental images and things. I must make up another. :)


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