Monday, 22 August 2011

Monday Musings - All about family

As I am getting older I am becoming a lot more confident at doing what I enjoy over what has to be done. I feel less guilt nowadays if the house is untidy and piles of washing are left unfolded while I am spending my spare time enjoying life.
Over recent years I have started enjoying meditation, deep breathing, relaxation in many forms and just putting my feet up. I make no excuses if I want to stay in bed for hours or spend half the day in my pjs. I also turn my phone off when I need quiet time and have started to enjoy the small moments more. I surround myself with the kids in our family and relish the chinwags with my mum, my brother and sister-in-law, my dad. I listen more. (And I still talk a lot.)
This weekend was all family and no housework or chores. We had my niece and nephew sleep over, I went to see my youngest nephew play footy for the last game of the season, I got spoilt by my sister-in-law with a treat at a day spa (BLESS). I enjoyed the company of those I love most.
And all without a single bit of housework.


Little bubbles of bliss... laughs with my family. sunshine and warm days. fresh air in the hills. day spa pampering. getting a howdy from Edenland on twitter *gushes* (this was actually last week but I was still gushing on the weekend). finding this blog (how creative is she!?). driving to the Swan Valley. driving home from the Swan Valley (I am a city girl at heart). no housework.
I hope you had a fabulous weekend too!


  1. You are a rocking aunty!
    Love your quote at the top.

  2. It has taken me most of my life to learn that there are better things to do than house work. It has never ran away so therefore it can wait till I'm ready. I enjoy my art and I must confess that takes most of my time these days. God bless retirement!

  3. Thanks Shar. :) That quote is a reminder to me when I start quietly panicking that the house is a mess. It's slowly sinking in...

    @ Mum, that is exactly the way I look at it, it will be there tomorrow. Or next week. Art will definitely satisfy the soul more than clean floors. Enjoy lovely lady! xo

  4. I adore this Peggy!
    When u are old and grey will the memories of how much housework you did make u feel warm and fuzzy? Nope. It'll be the beautiful moments that u shared with family and friends. Thank you for sharing x


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