Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Don't mind if I rest awhile

I don’t do sickly well. I rarely get the flu, if I get a head cold it usually passes after a day or two, and I get headaches every other day but you won’t hear me complain about them. I am a healthy person, for which I am very, very grateful.

Sometimes however I don’t listen to my body when it tells me to slow down. Like yesterday for instance, I really felt like crap. Pounding head, could barely keep my eyes open and for a split second I actually put my head on my desk and contemplated having a quick nap. Did I go home and jump into bed like I could have? Nope. I soldiered on and did what I normally do.

I'm often envious of people who take rest when they know they need it, spending the day in bed eating chicken soup watching Sex and the City reruns – I wish I could do that (I know I can but I don’t). Not that I wish to get sick (no universe, that is NOT my wish) but I wish that when I did feel under the weather I could just bite the bullet and accept I need to rest. And take it. I have learned over the years to put the brakes on to maintain balance by not taking on too much, I just need to apply the same tactic to knowing when to stop and rest when my health isn't its usual self.

A few weeks ago I got a cold (I call it a cold but I’d say with the body aches and pains and week long headache it was more like the flu) and every morning I got up with a head full of snot, sneezing and spluttering, pounding head and yet I went to work. I was trying to will the illness out of me – ‘tomorrow it will be gone’. It wasn’t gone tomorrow, it stayed an entire seven or eight tomorrows! That weekend I went to do my grocery shopping and halfway around the supermarket I was wondering ‘Why on earth am I not flaked out on the lounge?’ Seriously, I didn’t have to get groceries, we always have a well-stocked fridge and pantry. And if I mentioned to my husband that I wasn’t feeling well he would have gone for me. I can’t really explain why I feel the need to soldier on, I know what I need to do can wait, but I just find it hard to break that mindset. I am pretty sure it has something to do with my Mum, her and her dominant non-stop gene.

Back to yesterday. I came home with full intention of flaking out, of course I didn’t. At 11pm I finally got myself to bed even though I felt like climbing in at 7pm. I thought about slothing on the lounge and spending the night watching TV, but since I don’t watch TV I wound up finding other things to do. I know if I had a virus only weeks ago chances are it is still lingering, and I need to accept the fact rest is the best medicine. As I struggled to get up this morning I promised myself I would get an early night tonight. I know it is up to me to break this die-hard cycle and get into the habit of taking the rest when I need and want it. Maybe tonight. After all, aren't I the first to say we all need to practice a little self-love now and again? 

Are you good at telling yourself to rest when you know you really need it? Or do you soldier on thinking there is too much to do and spending time in bed is not an option?


  1. I am much like yourself Peggy, TERRIBLE at letting myself rest... especially when I need it. I also have often wanted to be a lay on the lounge watching tele kinda girl, even the idea of it sounds appealing to me... but do I do it? Never. I think we should just try and listen to our bodies more, as getting past the point of being rundown isn't good. It only takes longer to recover... and so the cycle continues. Hope you're feeling better real soon. Lots of fresh foods in the meantime though xo

    1. The tv idea sounds appealing to me too, I actually envy people who can chill out and watch the tele. I just can't quite get myself in front of it! The times I have sat down to watch it I get up in the first ad and forget to go back.

      I'm feeling much better today after an early night last night. I always get a good night's sleep but I think earlier bed times are the key when feeling poorly. Thanks Jules. xo

  2. I fantasise about a day in bed, eating chocolate, reading trashy mags and watching rubbish tv.
    In reality, I'd last ten minutes max!!!
    That said, you REST UP, Peggy.
    :-) xxxx

    1. Oh me too Shar, me too!! I must admit in my single days I did clock up a lot of days in bed, although I worked night shift so I had an excuse to sleep all day. I quite like the daytime sleep thing. Last weekend I actually considered having a nana nap. I sat down on the couch absolutely exhausted, thought about it, and got straight back up to just 'get a few more things done'. I am going to nana nap one weekend, just you watch me! ;) xo

  3. I'm with you .. Well half with you! I can easily rest.. Like today I spent a good half of the day resting watching Gossip Girl but then I did two loads of washing and proceeded to weed our garden beds in the backyard (there were a lot of them) and I cooked dinner!
    I love nothing more than a good lounging session but you will always finding me on my feet during each ad break doing dishes, washing etc !!

    1. Same Jayne, the ad breaks bore me! haha I can't even commit to watching a movie in its entirety as my mind starts to wonder, then I get up to get a coffee and forget to go back! One day I am going to spend an entire afternoon in front of the tele. Maybe this weekend. ;) xo

  4. *find not finding .. It wouldn't let me backspace.

  5. I'm a little the same...but... Peggy, GO TO BED! That's an order! You will feel 'properly' better and won't keep getting niggling things every few weeks. Think of it as being productive. Productively WELL! OK? Now go...

    1. Ok Beth, I did what you told me to do. Productively well sounds awesome. I actually went to bed at a 'reasonable' hour last night and felt pretty crap when I woke up but felt better throughout the day. Another early night tonight and the lurgie that thinks it's staying is going. I know the early night is a must. *marches off to bed*

  6. I hope you find a way that works for you to get some rest even if it is not involving TV and chilling out (lay on your bed listening to good music and let yourself just drift off early to sleep)

    Me? I am a champion rester - i LOVE laying about with DVDs and a drink or reading in bed to rest and drifting off for a nap(i have to distract my mind to let my body rest.

    1. Oh I strive to be a champion rester! I must admit I am much better at just 'being' than I used to be, I can sit and read or write for hours without so much of a thought to sidetrack myself. I have to let myself drift off for a nap too, sounds awesome! Going to try that this weekend.

      I do like the idea of lounging around in bed watching tv for an afternoon, just seems so relaxing!

  7. I'm the exact same!

    I have a virus at the moment, RIGHT BEFORE I'M DUE TO OFFICIALLY START MY NEW JOB.

    So of course I'll have to soldier through it, but I dream of chicken soup in bed :)

    Go to bed early tonight! That's a damn order, ya hear? ;)

    1. YES MA'AM! I know it's what I need, I just need to learn to 'stop'!

      Go away virus, Cherie doesn't need you around right now! He'll be gone by tomorrow hun. :)

  8. It's so important to be easy on yourself. I gave up on soldiering on a long time ago - because it never worked and no-one have me medals for it! :) Yes, it's also so important to achieve a balance in your life so that you don't get run down in the first place. Easier said than done sometimes. Hope you feel better soon. x

    1. That's it Deb, it does more harm than good and no medals. I guess I feel like I still have a responsibility (ie work, dinner, chores) and so I find it hard to allow myself to stay home and spend the day in bed. I know I'll recover quicker if I do, I think I just need to bite the bullet next time and do it!

      A bowl of bubur ayam would sort me out! ;)

  9. I've learned my lesson from years of soldiering on. Now, I actually rest, make sure I eat well, stay away from dairy and sugar, and, in no time, I'm better (I was sick on Monday, 100% today). SO important to listen and be aware of your body.

    Now, got to bed!!!!!! x

    (Adorable blog by the way) x

    1. You're right Jodi, it is so important to listen to your body. I actually wrote about this in my eBook, seems I should practice what I preach! Early nights all week this week, that's my promise to myself. Today I took it easy and even left work super early to rest at home, was well worth it, I do feel better already.

      Thank you for dropping in and leaving me a note. I popped over to your blog, it is just adorable. I love your bio - "I thread words together and illustrate with photos." How lovely! Glad you dropped in so it lead me to Che and Fidel. Can't wait to see more of your beautiful images and 'threaded' words. :) xo


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